Nick has been a judge since 2020
Nick Fleury
Bitter Jester Music Festival Judge
A self-taught guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, and singer / songwriter, Nick hails from Highland Park, IL where he performed in the very first Bitter Jester Music Festival circa 2006 with his now legendary band Sad Panda. He jams often with his good childhood buddies with whom he's been singing forever. He wants you to feel good. And you will.
He went on to earn a bachelors degree in History at the University of Pittsburgh, all the while nurturing his musicality through labors of love, joining the prestigious Heinz Chapel Choir, and enlisting in the glam rock outfit Dazzletine.
Currently, Nick is the lead guitar installment and co-producer of the Chicago psychedelic group Head, who will be releasing two new records this summer. Check out one of their backyard performances here. Furthermore, he is in production of his debut solo project for which he is recording every instrument on 40+ new songs and planning to recruit a band for live shows.
As a solo performer, he pays much homage to the late 60's pop/psychedelic/folk scene, incorporating much Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel-esque tunes in his repertoire. After years of developing blending techniques in choirs, vocal harmonies are one of Nick’s fortes.
Having additionally taught himself piano, bass, and drums over the years, Nick has developed an interest in collecting as many instruments as he can and learning to play them or making new unique sounds with them. Nick is stoked to be participating in the 2020 Bitter Jester Original Song Competition as a judge and sends good vibes and encouraging wishes to all those involved!